[Vision2020] RE: Therapy, usury, and getting the facts

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 1 00:06:18 PST 2006

"It is my opinion that a tax-exempt non-retail entity has ABSOLUTELY NO 
  BUSINESS (pun intended) being located in the heart of the Central Business 
  District."--Californian Tommy Hansen
  I disagree, as usual, with Tom. 
  There are many nonprofit organizations and services provided downtown  for the poor and disabled members of our community. In addition we also  have the art gallery, the Democratic Headquarters, a fire station,  churches, the police station, the high school, and even a free bulletin  board and playground for the kids all located downtown. Downtown should  not JUST be about profit and tax collection. If we as a community want  downtown to be for everyone and serve as a focal point for our  community, then downtown should be a place that provides a variety of  services for everyone, even things we ourselves may not engage in. If  downtown was only occupied by locally owned taxpaying retail  establishments then it would not be a focal point for the entire  community. 
  Take Care,
  Donovan J Arnold   

Tom Hansen <idahotom at hotmail.com> wrote:  It is my opinion that a tax-exempt non-retail entity has ABSOLUTELY NO 
BUSINESS (pun intended) being located in the heart of the Central Business 

Simply because a lame commission cannot see the forest through the trees 
does not mean that I must roll over and play dead.  If there is one thing 
that I have learned in my life, it is:

"If you disagreee with a law, fight to change it."

There is still plenty of fight left in this old platoon sergeant.

One primary concept that I have learned from the gold-digging "management" 
of Anselm House and its Board of Adjustment:

Never, EVER trust . . .

"Smiling Faces"

Seeya round town, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

>From: "kerry becker" 
>To: joanopyr at moscow.com, london at moscow.com
>CC: vision2020 at moscow.com
>Subject: [Vision2020] RE: Therapy, usury, and getting the facts
>Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 13:00:51 -0800
>Arguing over zoning is one legitimate topic, the other seems to be personal 
>conflicts.  Michael and JFord have issues that go beyond the city code of 
>Moscow.  Whether or not they reconize that in themselves, most of us 
>outsiders can see it by reading their postings.
>Now that NSA is legally downtown, what else can be done?  Can't we move on 
>at this point?
>I've read Doug Wilson's Blog, and yes, he's definately on the right wing.  
>Your point?  Just because you, myself and most others don't follow that 
>line of thinking doesn't mean it can't exist.  That is what diversity is 
>all about.  Different views!  Just because the views are different than 
>yours doesn't mean they are wrong.  It's that simple.  I'm sure you will 
>make it complicated, but it's not.

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