[Vision2020] A question for Dr. John H. Grauke, MD

Art Deco deco at moscow.com
Tue Sep 20 11:34:10 PDT 2005

Kirkus Circus writes:

"Dr. Grauke: Apparently you think that people who contract STDs hate God. 
 Would treating (i.e., helping) such people constitute interference with God's plan?"

Actually such considerations apply wider to the apparently spur-of-the-moment, homespun, naive philosophy of the Moscow Medical Clinic which reads in part:

"We do not believe that sickness and death are natural processes, but are rather an enemy of God introduced into the world through the sin of mankind in Adam...

We believe all illness has meaning under the providence of God and seek healing of the whole person through a right relationship with Christ."

Let's see.

Since Moscow Medical's alleged god is the one who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good, and since their alleged god allegedly created everything including sickness and disease, then aren't they defying their alleged god by attempting to mitigate any sickness and disease?  Perhaps because of this gross disobedience (much worse than Adam's) they will be lava pool mates in hell with Cultmaster Wilson.  

[Side question:  Are Adam and Eve in Heaven or Hell?]

The phrase:

"We do not believe that sickness and death are natural processes, but are rather an enemy of God ..."

is quite strange (and indicative of incredible naiveté and irrationality -- traits one would not hope for in their personal physician):

If sickness and death is Moscow Medical's alleged god's enemy, and that god is all-good and all-powerful, why doesn't it/she/he eliminate them and consequently all the suffering therewith, forthwith without all the tangles of corrupt, organized religion, and without forcing people to swallow incredulous, unverifiable, inconsistent tales?

For the sake of their patients I hope Moscow Medical is much, much better at practicing medicine then they are of practicing logic, philosophy, and theology.  In my opinion feeding patients superstitious clap-trap is not only unethical but likely constitutes malpractice.

Art Deco (Wayne A. Fox)
deco at moscow.com

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kirkus Circus" <kirkus_circus at lycos.com>
To: <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 10:29 AM
Subject: [Vision2020] A question for Dr. John H. Grauke, MD

> Vision 2020,
> One of our local physicians asserts the following:
> "In particular, major impact of the newer STDs has been noted on maternal and infant morbidity and on human reproduction and infertility. 'For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me'(Ex. 20:2,3)." --Dr. John H. Grauke, MD 
> Hmm...interesting. 
> Dr. Grauke: Apparently you think that people who contract STDs hate God. 
> Would treating (i.e., helping) such people constitute interference with God's plan?
> Moscow needs to know.
> Kirkus Circus
> -- 
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