Error: Correction:Re: [Vision2020] Eugenie Scott's Talk at U of I

Tbertruss at Tbertruss at
Sun Oct 16 23:56:26 PDT 2005

Michael et. al.

I wrote in my previous post subject headed "Eugenie Scott's Talk at U of I:"

To say the alternatives are "atheism or evolution" might make a great sound 
bite, and fire up the faithful, but it is a false dilemma.   

This sentence should have read:

To say the alternatives are "Intelligent Design/Creationism or evolution" 
might make a great sound bite, and fire up the faithful, but it is a false 

The strange thing is that the fact I made this glaring error popped into my 
mind while driving down the highway thinking about not much of anything...

Ted Moffett
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