[Vision2020] Jones is grasping at straws again

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Thu Oct 13 05:55:35 PDT 2005

Arnold stated:

"Doug Wilson did not plagiarize anything. It was Steve Wilkins. Let us keep
that straight."

Just because Paul McCartney sang a song with Micheal Jackson does not make
Paul a child molester."

Oh, dear Arnold.  Your analogy is . . . how shall I put this . . . lame.

You are correct, however, that Paul McCartney singing a song with Michael
Jackson would not make him a child molester.  Yet, if Paul McCartney sang
the song "Beat It" in a duet with Ringo Starr without paying royalties to
Michael Jackson, they both would be exposing themselves to civil litigation,
now wouldn't they?

Here is a homework assignment for you, Arnold.  

1)  Read and evaluate the document at:


2) Identify and list those words/phrases that are strictly the property of
Doug Wilson and those words/phrases that are strictly the property of Steve

3)  Justify your answer.

Waiting . . .

Until then . . .

Take care, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho 


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