[Vision2020] FYI: Danner Boots; Chippewa Shoes

Area Man (Dan C) areaman at moscow.com
Wed Nov 23 07:45:51 PST 2005

Jeff says:
" . . . the La Crosse/Danner Boot line . . . is positioned for increased
low-cost, high-quality sourcing from China."

Guess we'd better pony up the big coin and get us some White's, or
Nick's, both hand made up in good ol' Spokane.

I've had one pair of White's in the last 13 years, and I've spent about
$700 on resoles/rebuilds in that time.  That's just over fifty bucks a
year, which I know was less than I'd have spent had I been buying a new
pair of boots every year or two.  It was hard to justify the initial
purchase ($300 at the time, almost $400 now), but I look at a similar
pair of Chippewas ($189), Danners ($230), or even some Cabela's brand
($59.95), and not knowing their rebuildability (if that's even a word),
the White's were the way to go.

Of course, that may not work for everyone, but it worked for me.


P.S.  Didn't GEICO stand for "Government Employee Insurance Company"?

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