[Vision2020] The Shroud of Hype

Kai Eiselein editor at lataheagle.com
Fri Mar 25 14:25:15 PST 2005

One doesn't need a lens for a camera obscura, but the image ( at least the
ones I've seen) are not as sharp. I turned a room into one in high school as
a project for the gifted program I was in and it wasn't all that detailed.
Believe me sunlight isn't a problem in Arizona, so that wasn't an issue.
I've also made box cameras, with and without lenses, obviously the ones with
a lens were sharper.
I won't say it's not impossible, but from my own experience it is

REM is cool.

Kai T. Eiselein
Latah Eagle
521 S. Jackson St.
Moscow, ID 83843
(208) 882-0666 Fax (208) 882-0130
editor at lataheagle.com

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