[Vision2020] Medicinal Cannabis

Kai Eiselein editor at lataheagle.com
Mon Jun 20 13:54:43 PDT 2005

There is is one indesputeable fact, Mr. Hansen, and that is not ALL drugs
work for ALL people. And that includes pot.
It, like any other drug, acts differently in different people.
My argument isn't with whether or not it works. (You might want to re-read
my posts) My concern is with other factors, including why so many "potheads"
are gung ho behind "medicinal use" clauses.
Yet, you keep pointing to an article and saying "See, see ! I am right. Pot
helps everyone!" Without addressing any of the possible logistic or control
issues that would be involved.
"Those who follow the herd are doomed to be eaten at the dinnertable of

Kai T. Eiselein
Latah Eagle
521 S. Jackson St.
Moscow, ID 83843
(208) 882-0666 Fax (208) 882-0130
editor at lataheagle.com

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