[Vision2020] For Saundra: Limits on NSA Growth

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 7 17:01:02 PDT 2005

"Besides, how could something fail to prosper when it
is so obviously blessed of God."--New Man

Ask Abraham.

Donovan J Arnold 

--- New man <1564_2 at mail.com> wrote:

> Sandra,
> While it is true that there is a 50 student cap per
> new entering class,
> you have to understand that growth occurs
> organically. A student body of
> 50 creates more demand for school services and the
> school responds by
> hiring more staff and faculty, precisely to maintain
> the small school
> feel (i.e., small class sizes, etc.), and as staff
> and faculty increases
> the need for more students (to finance the increase)
> becomes
> apparent. Over time caps on growth have to be
> reassessed, and adjusted
> accordingly.
> Since NSA's founding there have been several caps on
> growth, and the
> college did adhear to those caps as long as they
> were relevant. Caps are
> based on changing circumstances, based on
> availability of facilities,
> faculty, staff, and the affect that a growing
> student population might
> have on the church. That's one of the reasons that
> we needed to start
> Trinity Reformed; and as NSA's growth gains
> momentum, it may be necessary
> to begin other fellowships to accomodate.
> NSA would not be hiring people like Mitch Stokes and
> Bob Hieronymus, if
> it didn't intend to flourish. Besides, how could
> something fail to
> prosper when it is so obviously blessed of God. And
> with this blessing,
> common grace abounds to the community at large.
> -- 
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