[Vision2020] limitations of local government
Mark Solomon
msolomon at moscow.com
Sat Jan 29 11:20:51 PST 2005
Unless budget/financial sheet software has
changed significantly since my tenure at the
courthouse, it would not be available in a
digital format that could be accessed by other
users. At that time (pre-PC, mainframe only) it
was proprietary software, not off the shelf.
Given the inertia of local government, it is more
likely to have been tweaked rather than replaced
over the years but I could certainly be wrong.
Wouldn't be the first time.
Not sure if you're referring to the annual audit
when discussing the CAFR, but if so, back then it
was prepared and delivered by the outside auditor
in hard copy which would require copying and
subsequent fee. I don't see any reason these days
that report couldn't be formatted to pdf as a
part of the audit contract.
I've gone down with this ship before, but I'll
say it again: to address the valid issues that
you raise requires both clear direction from
county commissioners who can devote enough time
to the work of the office to achieve the
consensus necessary (full-time in my opinion),
trained staff and the monetary resource to devote
the time needed. Space at the courthouse to
breathe would help, too. Kootenai County, with
its explosive growth rate, much greater
population and subsequent increase in property
tax base is not the county I would choose for
comparison. How is Nez Perce County handling
these information issues?
Mark Solomon
At 10:21 AM -0800 1/29/05, Jeff Harkins wrote:
>Thanks Bill and Mark for this thread.
>One of my principle concerns about our local
>government has been their reluctance to utilize
>their websites to improve their community
>communication relations.
>Last year, I wanted the financial statements for
>Latah County (not the summaries, but the full
>General Purpose Financial Statements) - this
>year I would like to see the CAFR (Comprehensive
>Annual Financial Report). No copies were
>available, but at a cost of $15 each, I could
>acquire the statements. At best, that
>represents a difficulty for citizens wanting to
>explore the fiscal status of the County in
>depth. In the worst case, it precludes lower
>income folks from having reasonable access.
>On another point, none of the current
>operational documents are online. As most are
>aware, there are numerous issues pertaining to
>the Comprehensive Long Range Plan and proposed
>ordinances to that plan. At a minimum, the
>current Long Range Plan should be online - as
>well as all the current ordinances. None are
>available at this time.
>I direct your attention to the website for Kootenai County at this link:
> http://www.co.kootenai.id.us/
>Not exactly rocket science to have a fully
>supportive website - please note the current
>financial statements are given high visibility
>and Comprehensive Plan, ordinances and proposed
>ordinances are all available.
>We are fortunate to have a good population of
>talented website designers in our area and the
>costs of providing a good website are low. So
>why isn't it there ?
>At 09:46 AM 1/29/2005, you wrote:
>>regarding your suggestion that City of Moscow
>>post all agendas and notices to V2020....
>>not only is this common sense, but also a
>>suggestion that has gone to both city and
>>county governments for years...with some
>>results (note that the county commissioners and
>>city council meeting agendas are posted to
>>could the city/county post more? sure.
>>maybe many V2020 subscribers could ask them to do so.
>>Contact Gary Riedner at city hall....
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: <mailto:FCS at moscow.com>Mark Seman
>>To: <mailto:vision2020 at moscow.com>Vision2020
>>Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 4:45 PM
>>Subject: RE: [Vision2020] Moscow Animal Ordinances
>>Kit & V2020,
>>This is the first time I’ve heard about this
>>revision effort. I put in a fair amount of
>>effort to stay informed of what’s going on
>>around town, but routinely visiting the city’s
>>web-site is not my habit. I’ve suggested that
>>ALL city notices, agendas, etc. be posted on
>>V2020 as a way to distribute information
>>(especially I input is being solicited), rather
>>than forcing the public to search it out. From
>>my perspective, the technology is here and it
>>is not a significant effort to send a web page
>>to the community listserve (or others if there
>>is more than one.) It may end up being like
>>spam, but it’s useful to the community. By the
>>way, I appreciate the info postings the
>>sheriff’s office has been sending out. Is this
>>idea whack or common sense?
>>* * * * * * * * * * *
>>Mark Seman, Architect
>>Heather Seman, Landscape Architect
>>Full Circle Studios
>>1404 East 'F' Street
>>Moscow, Idaho 83843
>>v 208-883-3276
>>f 208-883-0112
>>FCS at Moscow.com
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [
>>mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]On Behalf
>>Of Kit Craine
>>Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 2:09 PM
>>To: Saundra Lund
>>Cc: vision2020 at moscow.com
>>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Moscow Animal Ordinances
>>These are the result of a request I made to
>>council during an open mic period back in
>>September, after my Old Dog and I were attacked
>>one to many times on public sidewalks by dogs
>>that were legally loose in their front yards at
>>the time they decided to get us.
>>My concern was requiring that dogs be confined,
>>tethered, or leashed at all time so pedestrians
>>(and old dogs) can walk anywhere in town
>>without having to worry about collecting
>>fang-holes. Randy Fife went a step farther and
>>recommended a complete revision of the animal
>>control ordinance. That was a good idea because
>>the existing code is a bit out of date. For
>>example, it is more concerned with grazing
>>animals being herded down alleys than whether
>>dogs are being fed and watered.
>>The versions that are online are meant to
>>generate discussion. At the last Administrative
>>Committee meeting, the discussion focused on
>>having a subcommittee that could throughly
>>discuss and evaluate various topics. Hopefully,
>>it would have people from a variety of
>>viewpoints so any revisions can carry Moscow
>>forward for many years to come.
>>Kit Craine
>> List services made available by First Step Internet,
>> serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994.
>> http://www.fsr.net
>> mailto:Vision2020 at moscow.com
>> List services made available by First Step Internet,
>> serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994.
>> http://www.fsr.net
>> mailto:Vision2020 at moscow.com
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