[Vision2020] Give the High School to NSA? Forget it!

DonaldH675 at aol.com DonaldH675 at aol.com
Wed Jan 19 01:14:50 PST 2005

Hi Mark:
There are doubtless many worthwhile uses of the *old* Moscow High  School (if 
a new building is constructed) but NONE of those ways  include giving a 
building to a religious group.  Quite aside from the very  important issue of 
separation of church and state, it is outlandish to suggest  that a school whose 
philosophical positions that are odious to a large  number of taxpayers in this 
community should be the recipient  of community largesse.  
While I understand your desire to build tolerance and understanding in  
Moscow, it is impossible to imagine a situation where the intolerant  philosophy of 
New St. Andrews is rewarded by our naive forbearance - think  Neville 
Chamberlain. I direct your attention to the New Saint Andrews web  site: 
which states in part:
"We also warn students, for the protection of their souls and the peace of  
the College, to avoid false teaching and errant doctrine.  We expect  students 
will neither embrace nor promote, formally or informally, historic or  
contemporary doctrinal errors, such as Arianism, Socinianism, Pelagianism,  
Skepticism, Feminism, the so-called Openness of God Theology, etc. among their  fellow 
students.  If students do come to embrace such errant doctrines  personally, 
they promise by their signed pledge to inform the administration  immediately 
and honestly in a letter offering to withdraw from the  college.  For more 
information about these doctrinal errors, see  .......Seraiah, The End of All 
Things (Canon Press);  Beisner,  Evangelical Heathenism (Canon Press); and Wilson 
(Doug) ed. Bound  Only Once (Canon Press)."
New Saint Andrews is free to demand a lock-step response to  Doug Wilson's 
interpretation of the scriptural *truth.*  (A right  you notice that is denied 
to the students of NSA). But it is certainly  not in the best interest of this 
community to pretend or imagine for a  nano-second that his *vision* should be 
financially supported in  any way by the rest of us. 
Rose Huskey
"One cannot level  one's moral lance at every evil in the universe. There are 
just too many of  them. But you can do something, and the difference between 
doing something and  doing nothing is everything." Daniel Berrigan

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