[Vision2020] BID OPT OUT LIST aka BAT

cjs cjs at turbonet.com
Tue Feb 22 13:23:10 PST 2005

Bad Assessment Tax

1) There is no need to expand the old BID district for which EXCLUDES me, 112 North Main Street, that is IF this BID thing is to go any further. The boundary posts and signs are already up to designate downtown. We/taxpayers have already paid for it. Although the signs do need a coat of paint. Three gallons would do them all and about 15 hours of labor. Don't need a BID to do that. Do we? All this really is, is a wolf in sheep's clothing to benefit a few WITH JOBS at the taxpayers DOUBE TAXATION expense. 

2) I believe it is a state or federal mandate that all city parks provide restrooms. In other words, FRIENDSHIP SQUARE? This has already been budgeted in our tax dollars. At least once.

3) The city sidewalks are supposed to be maintained by the city budget. Again, already pre-budgeted and paid for by our tax dollars. I shovel snow on their sidewalks and salt it without pay in fear of a fine. I maintain, including patch work, the sidewalks that the city owns in front of my building. All of the sidewalks downtown are not so worn out to where they are a liability for people to walk on. Maybe not pretty. But not a liability. Sorry they are not marble.

4) I maintain the appearance and infrastructure of my building. I do not want to pay for someone else's neglect.

5) As I have stated before which has worked in other communities (The rust belt) downtown needs a tax-subsidy/tax relief so those that don't have the dollars will have the dollars to beautify their buildings. Dollar for dollar improvements are subsidized by your own personal property tax dollars.

6) BID speaks of doing events that would bring people downtown. Name one thing that has worked other than Farmers Market for which is a detrement to me as the parking in front of my building is taken up by the merchants. Therefore, the old BID that started the Farmers Market has caused financial harm to me and others. Not an asset to me as I cannot have a daytime businees cause there is no parking. I am sure this is true for many others. Granted, Farmers Market is good for the surrounding two block area. Does not seem to help anybody else. Who's it gonna help all the way down to "E" street? Nobody! Doesn't help me at "A" Street. We need to stay focused. The  boundaries for the old BID should be intact and not expanded for there is no potential benefit for the outlying areas. If so - why not include the malls? We pay for the sidewalks arund the malls. Same for the strip centers. What is the difference? If you are going to shove a new BID down our necks it should be within the!
boundaries. The signs are already up. Why more expense?


8) The reason the mall owners are in favor of this BID is because they are sharp enough to understand that the rents of downtown will have to go up dramatically and force out the small businesses right into their hands leaving downtown a virtual ghost town. Of course, that would give the economic environmental people quite a few buildings they could tear down to make into "green areas." How else are ya gonna get your "green area?"

So, I propose an "OPT OUT LIST" to those businesses who are not in favor of the new BID. It should be a voluntary transaction. Not a stipulated, mandatory tax. Here is your chance to let all BID people know you are not in favor of their new tax. This includes your mayor, your city controller, people in charge of our streets and sidewalks, the city secretary, city council, Moscow Chamber, your congressman, your senator, your governor and all taxpaying citizens, as they all read this list.

By signing this list you ARE NOT in  favor of the new proposed BID.

Business owner of:
CJ's aka Cadillac Jacks Inc.
The Moscow Social Club
The Underground
all located at: 112 North Main Street in Moscow
cjs at turbonet.com 


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