[Vision2020] buffalo

debismith at moscow.com debismith at moscow.com
Sat Feb 19 22:34:31 PST 2005

Oh, Please. I'll bet your "Indian blood" is Cherokee, too. Give us all a break, no 
offensei ntended my patootie. Think before you post. This was just stooooopid. I 
know you are not that IQ impaired, as some of your postings show an ability to think 
and analyze  information.
Debi R-S

Date sent:      	Sat, 19 Feb 2005 16:19:26 -0800
From:           	lfalen <lfalen at turbonet.com>
To:             	vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject:        	[Vision2020] buffalo

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Re: Melynda Huskey's comment. It never occurred to me that the joke might be taken as racist. It was a joke on upper management. I think you are a little thin skinned. I hve some Indian blood and it did not even cross my mind that it might be taken as racist.

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