[Vision2020] Helmet laws & organ donor cards

Joan Opyr auntiestablishment at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 14 12:17:46 PST 2005

Dear Visionaries,

Mind if I shock you all to death by agreeing (in part) with Pat Kraut?  Sign your donor card.  I long ago signed mine.  My corneas are good, my liver has at least one or two years left in it, and my kidneys, heart, and lungs are in decent shape.  If I were (God forbid) in an accident, I'd want to know that my death might save someone else's life.  Like blood donation, it costs you virtually nothing, but it could mean all the world to someone else.

Joan Opyr/Auntie Establishment

PS: Now, let's help Rep. Trail get a damned helmet law on the books.  Let's save some lives and save some money.  Tom -- would it help if we wrote to the committee members who voted your proposal down?  I think Pat Kraut's story is particularly compelling.  Perhaps that would sway a few votes.Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com
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