[Vision2020] Looking for a classic 70s motorcycle

Kai Eiselein, LatahEagle Editor editor at lataheagle.com
Wed Aug 31 15:36:16 PDT 2005

ahhhh Dan, but you said you went over logs and around trees.....are those on
a motocross track?
My apologies if I misjudged.
And yes I have been to a motocross race, several in fact, and have some
really cool pics. And those guys that do the big air contests?......They are
f*****' nuts. Especially that " no hander lander" trick.
And I do know the rush of grabbing air, up until about 4 years ago my
favorite places at the ski hills were at the terrain parks...until my
orthopaedist said, "Kai, you're going to need new knees and a new hip before
long.....no more jumps, bumps or schussing."
(Anybody besides me notice in "Mission Impossible" when Tom Cruise and the
other guy go from the street to the beach on the motorcyles, the tires
mysteriously became knobbys?)

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