[Vision2020] Sirens

David Camden-Britton groovydave at gmail.com
Sat Aug 20 16:34:50 PDT 2005

I heard it was that jerk Odysseus and his drinking buddies zooming
around on lake Couer d'Alene looking for someone's golden panties or
some such thing. I got the story second hand from a sheep herder who
heard it from a wise woman who heard it from a tinker who heard it
from an Argonaut who heard it from a Trojan who heard it from a
Spartan who heard it from a passing Phoenician sailor so you KNOW it's
a fact.

They said Odysseus and his buddies had been out carousing and tearing
up and down the lake all weekend, hopped up on some Sumerian Ale until
he found a whole gaggle of sorority sisters from Sigma Rho Nu (SRNs I
guess you'd call them) trying to sun themselves up on a rock. He put
blindfolds and earplugs on all his buddies, making up some crazy story
about enchantments or some such thing. He then took off his shirt,
painted on some Greek letters on his chest and whooped and hollered at
the poor ladies from the top of the mast.

It's this sort of shameless and unwanted attention that gives the
Greek system a bad name. I have it on good authority that U of I's
president has personally made a descent to Hades in order to obtain
the services of Cerberus in order to stem this growing tide of
hooliganism amongst frat row.

David Camden-Britton  -=)*(=- groovydave at gmail.com

On 8/17/05, TIM RIGSBY <tim.rigsby at hotmail.com> wrote:
> With the return of the greek students and their fall rush it seems as though
> I have heard more and more sirens coming from downtown and heading toward
> greek row.  I wonder if the increase in the frequency of sirens has any
> correlation to the return of the immature fraternity boys?
> Tim

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