[Vision2020] meteor shower

Tami Stinebaugh stinebaugh4 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 11 11:59:13 PDT 2005

Just an fyi for those who are interested...

Tami Stinebaugh


The Perseid meteor shower is underway.  The shower's
broad peak extends from August 11th through 13th, with
August 12th being best.  If you get away from bright
city lights and watch the sky between local midnight 
and dawn on Friday morning, August 12th, you can
expect to see dozens to hundreds of meteors.

The planet Mars is out during the Perseid meteor
shower, too.  It's that bright red "star" high in the
eastern sky before dawn.  Many Perseid meteors will
appear to fly past Mars on Friday morning--a pretty

And speaking of Mars, beware the Mars Hoax.  A rumor
about the red planet continues to spread via email. 
The message claims that Mars will come so close to
Earth on August 27th that it looks as big as the full 
Moon.  In fact, Mars is approaching Earth for a close
encounter in October--not August.  October's close
approach will indeed be beautiful, but Mars will never
rival the Moon.

Get the full story, plus sky maps, pictures of
Perseids, and solar activity updates at

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