[Vision2020] RE: Answering Phil: Bishop: Bombing Hiroshima, Nagasaki Same As Ter...

Phil Nisbet pcnisbet1 at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 7 22:00:01 PDT 2005


Look at the reply.  "Empire of the Sun" did not detail any of the atrocities 
and actually was a powderpuff treatment of Japanese war crimes.  The were a 
race based society that saw the Japanese as G-d's Chosen and all the rest as 
sub-human trefe to be used to the glory of their Japanese Society.  Nobody 
has ever called them for the killings they did.  Heck they killed twice as 
many as Hitler did.

So put it this way,

If we had dropped the bomb on Germany, would you be just as concerned?

Then ask yourself why.  Because the reason we would have accepted the 
dropping of the bomb on Germany more readily is that Hitler killed Europeans 
and all the Japanese did was slaughter mainly Chinese.  Thats why the brutal 
death camps and the medical expirements and the germ warfare of the Japanese 
are excused and glossed over, they were killing Asains, so what the heck.

And if you get more active in reading and in films that cover events, there 
are some very fine efforts out by the indie community, especially film 
makers in Canada that cover things like the Armenian Holocaust in Turkey.  I 
went to school with a kid named Peter Kalajan, whose family had loved ones 
lost there.

The hand wringing about the atom bomb is over the possibility that we 
carried it out as a baltant act of malice against an Asian people, to strike 
terror in them and pave the way for control.  So I ask, do you believe that 
Harry Truman did that?  Do you think that the Democratically controled 
Congress and its leadership of the time did that?  Because the power was in 
their hands and they are the persons who bear responsibility.

So if we say instead, President Truman and the leadership of the Democratic 
Party terror bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, how does that change your view?  
Seems to me that it would make Truman the very worst President in American 
History and would make his political party an anethma for all time.

Phil Nisbet

PS, Hiroshima had the islands Headquarters for defnse, including its 
complete logistical staff.  Destroying those kinds of targets is something 
that we do any time we can in any of the wars we have fought since WW II.  
Its called decapitation and worked very nicely not only in places like 
Kosovo, but in Iraq.

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