[Vision2020] The Company you keep

DonaldH675 at aol.com DonaldH675 at aol.com
Wed Apr 27 02:25:13 PDT 2005

There was more at stake in the bond levy than a new high school and  
remodeled elementary schools. I have no way of knowing what prompted  individual yes 
or no votes.  Some people may have felt private economic  pressures precluded 
bond support and reluctantly voted against  it.   That is a painful dilemma I 
understand and sympathize with, and  certainly do not criticize.   However, 
that specific group of voters  probably did not significantly impact the levy.   
Then who did?  The follow remarks are directed to the latte sipping  liberals 
(identified in previous posts as the limousine liberals) who just don't  get 
it, but in a patronizing, silly way think they are just a bit  brighter,  more 
culturally sensitive, and especially, more esthetically  aware than the rest 
of us  You silly gits, you are too clever by  half.  Which one of you wants to 
step forward and admit you've been had six  ways into Sunday? Do you really 
think that you have a better plan which will  somehow magically appear over the 
summer and pass in the fall? If so, how  many of you would like to come 
forward, embrace the efforts, and claim  association and political kinship with the 
three people  (Janice  Willard, Jim Prall, and Roberta Radavich) who placed 
their names  on the piece of trash that was passed out at the high school  
yesterday?  The following paragraph, drawn from their incredibly  offensive effort 
--  including the ridiculous capitalization  -- featured this  ludicrous 
 "A line of cars builds up at the parking lot entrance, where you must  pas 
the gamut of THE GATE.  Here a uniformed (armed?) security guard checks  each 
car.  You must show your student ID card and submit to a thorough  inspection 
of your car to ascertain that no unauthorized student is hiding in  there, 
being sneaked off campus with you."  
(Hint to author(s):  this sophomoric piece of  shit, suffers not only because 
of the poorly written content but  in general appearance - i.e. almost 
illegible copy quality, no apparent  margins on the left side of the page, and an 
indescribably amateurish  layout.  As a convincing document this  rates an "F")
If this little troika of trouble makers isn't to your taste, rest assured  
the number crunching opponents of the levy will be even less to your  liking.  
If you think you can ever create - much less pass a  levy- that will receive 
the blessing of Christ Church leadership or members,  think again.  No 
"government" school district will ever receive  monetary or philosophical support from 
that congregation.  The enemy of  your enemy is not your friend.  And, 
frankly, I don't believe  that Dale Courtney mislead you.  Whatever the merits, or 
lack there  of, of Dale's graphs and pie charts, I am willing to bet that he 
never pretended  to any of you that he supported public education.  You may  have 
imagined that he did because it suited your agenda however this was  your 
naivete, not his deception.  A strategic error of this  magnitude will come back 
to tear a huge chunk out your collective  asses when you go hat in hand for 
his "help" in the future.  
If you are read this failed levy as the removal of an obstacle which  will 
pave the way for a new and "improved" bond, you  are monumentally mistaken.   
But have at it and, I  hope,  in a very public way.  I'd like to know who you 
are; I already  know what you are.   
Rose Huskey 
"One cannot  level one's moral lance at every evil in the universe. There are 
just too many  of them. But you can do something, and the difference between 
doing something  and doing nothing is everything." Daniel Berrigan

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