[Vision2020] What next?

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 26 03:01:32 PDT 2005

Brother Carl,

I'll bet you or anyone a $1 and a ham sandwich that when this issue of the 
bond is over this list will, especially, Joan Opyr (AKA Bloody Mary, I do 
not like being in the first grade, but she already called me five names), 
Tom (I write my opinions on the tax payers dime) Hansen, Tim (got to build a 
new gym for fly fishing) Rigsby, and Mr. Wayne (how dare you insult people, 
but I publicly hate and rip on First Step Internet that provides V2020) Fox, 
will return to their full-time jobs smashing Wilson, Christ Church and all 
their members as well as anyone that crosses their crosshairs.

Anyone doubt me? Bet me the $1 and ham sandwich.

Oh, I am curious, why is it OK for Mr.. Hansen, Wayne Fox (AKA Art Deco), 
Ms. Mix, and a whole host of other non-liberal people bashers to post 20-30 
times a day, even from work on the taxpayer's dime, but it is all so sinful 
for Mr. and Ms. Roderick, and myself from posting questions about an issue 
that we are going to be taxed and voting on?

You might also have seen many less posts from Phil, Shelley, and myself;

1) Had people like Bloody Mary been nice to people with questions about the 
bond they could have felt comfortable asking them instead of asking us to 
ask them.

2) You actually answered the question instead of giving us the run around. 
Phil and I asked at least 7 questions 3 times and we were never answered.

So yes Ms. Bloody Mary, in direct response to your continued personal 
attacks (youn'ins close your eyes, you been warned) your advise to me and 
Mr.Roderick is to sit on our hands, I offer you a better solution to your 
problems. It also involves sitting on something. Want to guess what it is? . 
. .

. . . . .See you at the polls!

Donovan J Arnold

>From: "Carl Westberg" <carlwestberg846 at hotmail.com>
>To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>Subject: [Vision2020] What next?
>Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 11:38:27 -0700
>With the levy issue being decided tomorrow, the hundreds, if not gazillions 
>of e-mails pro and con will, for the most part, disappear.  What will we 
>argue about next?  I suggest the designated hitter in major league 
>baseball.  I like it.  Unless, of course, with the retirement of Edgar 
>Martinez, the Mariners can't find a decent DH.  Then I hate it.  If you 
>disagree with me, you're obviously wrong.  So there.                        
>                          Carl Westberg Jr.
>List services made available by First Step Internet, serving the 
>communities of the Palouse since 1994.                 http://www.fsr.net   
>                              mailto:Vision2020 at moscow.com

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