[Vision2020] Response to Mr. Force

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 25 04:46:22 PDT 2005

Mr. Force,

The parents of the kids at West Park were not upset about the removal of 
West Park because they were getting a new school. They were upset because 
the school was going to be destroyed and the community was going to be 
divided into three. I would just as strongly oppose the removing West Park 
WITHOUT replacing it with a new school.

Again, I think it is DUMB, RECKLESS, and DISRESPECTFUL to the taxpayer to 
put $4.6 million into a school that is going to be too small anyway. West 
Park needs to be replaced. Sell the land, sell the building, take that money 
plus the 4.6 million and build a new school for the kids. Throwing it down a 
rat hole and saying that is the best plan we could come with is something is 

Take Care,

Donovan J Arnold

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