[Vision2020] Bond Levy for New University Of Idaho

keely emerinemix kjajmix1 at msn.com
Tue Apr 19 07:33:33 PDT 2005

Donovan, please keep in mind that no one is saying that the current HS 
building is falling down, decrepit or unsafe structurally -- there are 
security concerns from its layout, but I think you are confused on this 
point.  What we're saying is that it's educationally unsuitable for reasons 
far too numerous to go into again now, at least before morning coffee.

You might want to check through the information that I'm sure you gathered 
during the two-year facilities process before you quite possibly make a 
decision on an incorrect premise.  Gosh, even the information you could have 
gotten since February should be sufficient, in case I'm mistaken regarding 
the level of your prior interest and involvement.


From: "Donovan Arnold" <donovanarnold at hotmail.com>
To: pkraut at moscow.com, vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Bond Levy for New University Of Idaho
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 22:28:27 -0700

I think you just want a new High School, even if it is unfinished. If you 
cared about the safety of the kids, and really thought the building was old 
and unsafe you would not tolerate the occupancy of other students in that 
buildings. If it is unsafe for the regular teens now, it should also be 
unsafe for teen age alternative high school students too. That is no 

Take Care,

Donovan J Arnold

>From: "Pat Kraut" <pkraut at moscow.com>
>To: "vision2020" <vision2020 at moscow.com>
>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Bond Levy for New University Of Idaho
>Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 20:15:24 -0700
>What it will cost and how much needs to be changed for grade school 
>is very different from teens. I really do think you are just trying to be 
>difficult as possible.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Donovan Arnold" <donovanarnold at hotmail.com>
>To: <pkraut at moscow.com>; <vision2020 at moscow.com>
>Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 3:22 PM
>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Bond Levy for New University Of Idaho
>I think you missed the logic bus. The "unsafe building" you are referring 
>is going to be the home for elementary children and later alternative high
>school students.
>Under your thinking are we not putting elementary children in harms way
>instead of teenagers? Who would you rather have in an unsafe building Pat, 
>6 year old, or a 16 year old?
>Take Care,
>Donovan J Arnold
>PS, for the record, I do not think the building is unsafe, it was Ms. Kraut
>that has stated this. I know the MSD would not permit our children in an
>unsafe HS.
> >From: "Pat Kraut" <pkraut at moscow.com>
> >To: "vision2020" <vision2020 at moscow.com>
> >Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Bond Levy for New University Of Idaho
> >Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 14:20:09 -0700
> >
> >My children attended Troy Idaho schools in the late 70's to early 80's 
> >they had tried to 'remodel' the school. One of the boys attened a 'gifted
> >and talented class' in the furnace room! But, there were those who 
> >that the building was 'good enough' then. The building is old in so many
> >ways that it isn't safe! We need a new school! Our taxes, rents all will 
> >up no matter what we do. My hope is to pay for something that I really 
> >and not another 1912 building so I will be voting for the new school.
> >PK
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >   From: DonaldH675 at aol.com
> >   To: donovanarnold at hotmail.com ; vision2020 at moscow.com
> >   Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 7:49 AM
> >   Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Bond Levy for New University Of Idaho
> >
> >
> >   Dear Donovan'
> >   I worked at facilities as the university engineer responsible for
> >reviewing new building plans for mechanical/electrical installation and 
> >provide input on the same subjects as well as utility upgrades 
> >water, sewer, power plant, etc.) for several years (20) and if you would
> >like to check the records you will find that virtually everyone of your
> >reasons for the supposed "new University of Idaho" are true. Why do you
> >think we tore down so many old buildings and opted to build new rather 
> >remodel? And just for starters I seriously doubt that you could even fix
> >all of the deficiencies of the present buildings for the amount you have
> >proposed let alone build a new campus. When I retired about six years ago
> >the documented deferred maintenance list exceeded 300,000,000 dollars.
> >   As a facilities person I would like to ask you a question? Do you 
> >your cars over and over and over until they are absolutely so out of date
> >that they are no longer functional or do you buy a newer car when the old
> >one no longer meets your needs? Buildings follow the same functional
> >obsolescence pattern and need to be replaced when they no longer meet the
> >needs of the present.
> >   My wife attended Moscow High School in the late 50's/early 60's and it
> >was inadequate then so they remodeled. It remained inadequate.
> >   My children attended Moscow High School in the 80's and 90's and it 
> >inadequate then so they remodeled. It was still inadequate.
> >   My grandchildren are attending now and it is still inadequate and 
> >still think they can fix it by remodeling. In my mind taking the same
> >action over and over and expecting different results are a good 
> >of delusion if not outright mental illness or maybe just plain ignorance.
> >   I also have some problems with the current bond plan but am willing to
> >continue the mental illness with Russell and West Park (why are we
> >remodeling two ugly, functionally obsolescent buildings when for roughly
> >the same money we could get a new elementary school) if we get one new
> >facility. In my opinion the only justification for remodeling is a 
> >example of a particular style of architecture or an old building that is 
> >well built that the remodel can bring it to modern standards of
> >functionality.
> >
> >   Don Huskey
> >   Captain, USMC (Ret)
> >   BSEE, MPA, MBA
> >   "One cannot level one's moral lance at every evil in the universe. 
> >are just too many of them. But you can do something, and the difference
> >between doing something and doing nothing is everything." Daniel Berrigan
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
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