[Vision2020] 03-19-05 New Scientist: 13 things that do not make sense

Art Deco deco at moscow.com
Sun Apr 3 20:16:55 PDT 2005

Ted, others interested in the frontiers of science, believers in "immutable laws of nature" (rather than probabilities) of science, curiosity seekers:

The article referenced below, though written in fairly accessible language, is one that should hold fascination for anyone with a modicum of natural curiosity.

New Scientist is a British weekly something akin to the American Science News, only more comprehensive and readable.

Art Deco (Wayne A. Fox)
deco at moscow.com

13 things that do not make sense
  a.. 19 March 2005 
  b.. NewScientist.com news service 
  c.. Michael Brooks 
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