[Vision2020] Solomon on Guns and War in Iraq

Jeanne Clothiaux jeanne at mail.turbonet.com
Fri Oct 29 18:07:40 PDT 2004


Local campaign mischaracterizes Mark Solomon's views on
gun ownership as well as the war in Iraq

Tom Trail is running ads in the Latah Eagle and the Moneysaver and 
doing radio spots warning county residents that Mark Solomon would 
like to take away their 2nd Amendment Rights.  The evidence he uses 
is that Solomon scored an "F" on his NRA questionnaire while Trail 
scored an "A-"

Solomon scored an "F" on his NRA questionnaire because he answered that:
1) the ban on assault weapons should continue.
2) the waiting period on hand guns should stay.
3) background checks at gun shows should stay.

Idaho legislators do not have the power to take away anyone's 2nd 
Amendment rights.  Note that it was Congress that just allowed the 
ban on assault weapons to expire with no new legislation passed.  If 
you hear anyone express worry about the "Hunters--Who do you trust?" 
advertisements, please tell them why Mark scored an "F" on this 
questionnaire.  Whether you or they agree with these three answers is 
not the point. The point is that the "F" does not reflect his 
position about hunting rifles.  Mark Solomon believes that 2nd 
Amendment rights ought to be protected but that certain restrictive 
measures are necessary and reasonable for protecting communities from 
violent individuals.

Also, if you know anyone wanting to know more about the 
"Veterans--Who do you trust?" ads, please encourage them to talk to 
Solomon.  Mark Solomon has stated he would not have signed the Idaho 
Legislature's Resolution to support Bush's invasion of Iraq.  This is 
no indication that he does not support our troops, as Trail has 
stated in print ads.

So far it is folks in the county outside of Moscow who have been targeted.

If you know anyone you think would like to know more about Mark's 
position on GUNS and THE WAR IN IRAQ, please forward them this email. 
They can contact Mark at msolomon at moscow.com or call him at campaign 
headquarters, 882-5631.   He would also appreciate any ideas citizens 
have about how to address these misrepresentations of him and his 
positions in the rural county.

Jeanne Clothiaux
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