[Vision2020] Burkett

PEG HAMLETT peg_hamlett at sbcglobal.net
Tue Oct 19 08:41:08 PDT 2004

I just thought I would take a minute to answer your question about the signs.  It is as Debbie Gray and Saundra Lund stated Magistrate Hamlett, the person who is putting up the signs has a couple of court cases which are open to the public if they would like to see them.  He name is Darryl Frink, which is on his signs.  I don't want to sound as if I am outing him.  After speaking with him it is my understanding he is upset about his custody case and wants to unset Bill (my husband) due to several misconceptions.  
1. Magistrates are appointed for two years. He wants to vote in a non-attorney he stated.  Unfortunatley that is not the law, you have to been an attorney and again it is appointed.
2. He is upset that without any reason, cause or a formal court motion he wanted his ex-wife's medical records open to him.  Problem is no there was no reason and she resides in Oregon and an Idaho judge cannot open those records.
3.  After him dismissing two (three?) attorneys Mr. Frink decided to represent himself in the custordy case, when appearing in court and not being able to do an adequate job, Bill told Mr. Frink that he would postpone his case to give him time to get an attorney.  Mr. Frink said he either wanted the court to pay for him an attorney.  Unfortunately Mr. Frink did not qualify for an attorney appointed by the court, again state guidelines not personal ones by my husband.  I am sure none of us ever want to really pay for an attorney but in something as important as your children I think you would want to do everything in your power to make sure you are represented well. 
4.  Most traffic tickets are dealt with without going into court or before a judge.  When they do, it is based on evidence and testimony.  If there is no proof then there is no choice but to dismiss.  I have never know Bill to be lenient on people speeding, he warns me everytime I start to go a bit fast to slow down so I don't get a ticket.
As you know I am of course a bit biased since I am married to him.  We have been married almost 15 years and I have known him to be nothing less than fair and honest.  Unfortunately with divorces, criminal cases and civil matters people do usually walk out of court unhappy and generally want to blame someone.  There are state rules which prescribe the amount of child support people pay, not judges, same as most fines.  Judges do not make more money the longer a case stays in court and most of the time they try to have people settle cases as it is generally a happier outcome than when a judge needs step in to divide property or decide which weekends are better for visitations.  I know this is not something he likes to do but in cases where parties can not come to terms it is what has to be done.  
I have made many mistakes in my life and wish try to be a better person and probably deserve criticism, but I have never known Bill to do anything that was not honorable and according to the law, even in times when he may have liked a different outcome if there is not evidence to support a finding I know he would do what the law states.
Peg Hamlett

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