[Vision2020] Conserve precious Oil
Dan Carscallen
predator75 at moscow.com
Mon Oct 4 06:14:45 PDT 2004
In an unshocking revelation, I disagree with Mr. Arnold and Ms. Kraut.
I hope oil gets back down around $0.50, and I also hope Santa Claus
brings me a new dirt bike.
-----Original Message-----
From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com
[mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com] On Behalf Of Donovan Arnold
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 4:20 AM
To: pkraut at moscow.com; vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Conserve precious Oil
I am about to shock you all too. I actually agree with Ms. Kraut. I
that we should have the prices go way up so we can switch to another
form of
energy. But not for OPEC reasons, for environmental reasons. Let us see
a $5
a gallon oil price in the next year.
Donovan J Arnold
>From: "Pat Kraut" <pkraut at moscow.com>
>To: "vision2020" <vision2020 at moscow.com>
>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Conserve precious Oil
>Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2004 13:29:28 -0700
>I am about to shock you all...I am very delighted that oil prices are
>going high and I hope they go even higher. I hate the control the OPEC
>group has on our lives. I am well aware that there are alternative
>fuels that we could control even right here in Latah county. The PSES
>dept of the UI can make a great fuel from canola that is grown in Latah
>county. The problem is refinement which means shipping it to Montana at
>this time, but that too can
>be changed. The shipping to Montana is where the cost gets too big and
>change from oil would be too hard...IF however, the price of oil keeps
>up then gaining control of our energy sources will gain in a
willingness by
>more of us to pay the price. Will it hurt financially? Yes! While we
>one area jobs and monies will be reduced in another area. Any new big
>will make for differences and problems but in this case we could get
>over our own lives and not leave it in the hands of people who truly do
>care about our well being. I do not blame the lack of these changes on
>Bush family or any other individual (I know you will), it is those of
>want to conserve our own funds. It is a money issue but one that could
>changed if the price were right by the general populace.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "B.C. Strand" <Bill at strand.bz>
>To: <vision2020 at moscow.com>
>Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2004 12:27 PM
>Subject: [Vision2020] Conserve precious Oil
> > Pat Kraut writes:
> > It is because of the mess in Florida and political unrest in
> > Venezuela as well."
> >
> > Pat,
> >
> > Venezuela is the fourth largest source of oil for the US at about
> > 1.5 million barrels/day. Because of the general strike, oil exports
> > from Venezuela were interrupted in late 2002/early 2003. But by
> > April 2003, they had returned their previous levels and have not
> > affected US imports since then.
> >
> > Ivan was the only hurricane that affected oil imports as the rest
> > were far enough east to miss the primary ports and refineries. In
> > preparation for Ivan several major refineries were shut down which
> > is the portion that is affecting gas prices.
> >
> > But there is only ONE major reason that oil prices are high. Every
> > major oil importer in the world who has capacity is stockpiling
> > crude oil. And they are doing this because of fears of interruption
> > of oil from the Middle East.
> >
> > Bill Strand
> >
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