[Vision2020] Jays

Art Deco aka W. Fox deco at moscow.com
Thu Nov 18 08:37:18 PST 2004

Ron, Joan,

Both of you have commented on the predatory nature of jays, Joan by personal 

I wonder if there is some regional variation in this trait.  One of our feeding 
stations is on the ground under a apple tree.  This morning all at one time, all 
together, were about eight jays, a flicker, a pheasant, some doves, many quail, 
juncos, a free range turkey, and a young (this year's) deer.  They all seemed to 
be getting along and sharing.

The Jays and Magpies tease and play with our dog, Star, a Schipperke.  They land 
just out of her range.  When she attempts to playfully make contact, they move 
just a little further out of her range but teasingly close enough to encourage 
more pursuit and play.  (There is one adult deer who does the same thing -- with 
the fence in-between.  The deer and star run and play for sometimes almost an 

The magpies present the greatest challenge.  Star is adept at catching field 
mice.  She attempts to store her trophies under a low-to-the ground spruce tree. 
When the magpies first discover a new stash of these gems, they descend en 
masse.  Star then chases them away a few times.  After this has gone on awhile, 
the magpies adopt a different strategy:  One swoops down toward the rodent stash 
enticing Star by short flights to move a distance away.  Then a horde of other 
magpies swoop in and clean out the stash.

Does anyone have similar tales?  Please share them.


Art Deco  (Wayne Fox)
deco at moscow.com
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