[Vision2020] 11-14-04 NY Times OP/ED: Slapping the Other Cheek

Art Deco aka W. Fox deco at moscow.com
Sun Nov 14 20:47:50 PST 2004


For copies of the Kirker Hymnal and other Cult literature, please apply directly 
to the Moscow Chamber of Commerce.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Tom Hansen
  To: 'Art Deco aka W. Fox' ; 'Vision 2020'
  Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2004 7:19 PM
  Subject: RE: [Vision2020] 11-14-04 NY Times OP/ED: Slapping the Other Cheek

  Wayne -

  I seem to have lost my gratuitous copy of the Kirker Hymnal (the one that they 
provide commuters as they enter Moscow).

  Please refresh my memory as to the words to the Oath of Kirker Lifelong 
Allegiance.  Please forgive me for I am a lost liberal soul seeking 
post-election guidance.

  Tom "49er" Hansen

  We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are 
dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors....but they all exist 
very nicely in the same box.


  From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com] On 
Behalf Of Art Deco aka W. Fox
  Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2004 6:28 PM
  To: Vision 2020
  Subject: Re: [Vision2020] 11-14-04 NY Times OP/ED: Slapping the Other Cheek

  Saundra, other pagans and pretenders:

  I'm sorry, you poor, misguided wretches!

  Know Ye:  A trip to the Latah County Courthouse Public Records unimpeachably 
reveals that Cult Master Douglas Wilson of the Christ Church Cult officially and 
without right of appeal holds the complete title and all rights to Jesus, God, 
and their output including the exclusive right to the correct interpretation of 
anything related thereto and the right of exclusive representation anywhere in 
the universe.

  You Pseudo-Christians and other pagans are SOL.  Accept this eternal truth 
with tearful abasement.  Beseechingly repent and humbly bow to the Cult Master 
now or face eternal damnation and, far worse yet, Wilson's icy, soul-withering 

  Splotch Blakey,  Gregor Dickistoosmall,

  Personal Servants and Agents of and for Cult Master Douglas Wilson, God's 

  [This message approved by DJW.]

  cc:    DJW



          Paul Kimmell

  ----- Original Message ----- 

  From: "Saundra Lund" <sslund at adelphia.net>

  To: "'Art Deco aka W. Fox'" <deco at moscow.com>; "'Vision 2020'" 
<vision2020 at moscow.com>

  Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2004 3:09 PM

  Subject: RE: [Vision2020] 11-14-04 NY Times OP/ED: Slapping the Other Cheek

  | Hi Wayne,
  | Thanks for sharing -- it was an interesting read.
  | There is one specific part of the Op-Ed piece I want to comment on.  This 
  | below comes from a letter written by Bob Jones III & sent to Bush following 
  | reelection:
  | "In your re-election, God has graciously granted America - though she 
  | deserve it - a reprieve from the agenda of paganism," Mr. Jones wrote. "Put 
  | agenda on the front burner and let it boil. You owe the liberals nothing. 
  | despise you because they despise your Christ."
  | This thinking, I think, is a HUGE part of the problem and one of the things 
  | find so unbelievably offensive.
  | To whom does Christ belong?  I was raised to believe that Christ belongs to 
  | who embrace him & his teachings.
  | In a nutshell, the recurring theme I see amongst conservatives and 
  | is a tendency to want *ownership* of Christ & of the interpretation of his
  | teachings, not to mention of the whole Bible!  Those who disagree with their
  | particular interpretation are called "non-believers," "un-believers," and 
  | Quite frankly, this is hurtful and offensive to the majority of Christians, 
  | *don't* share those extremist and arrogant and offensive views.  You don't 
  | us going around telling other Christians that they aren't really Christians, 
  | that we "own" Jesus & his teachings.
  | As I see it, the behavior of those conservatives and evangelicals is 
creating a
  | bigger wedge in our society than the "hot" issues of freedom of choice or 
  | marriage could *ever* cause.
  | In my world, there's plenty of room for all religious beliefs, and for those 
  | haven't made any leap of faith as well.
  | How terribly sad that some fringe so-called "Christians" have decided to 
  | ownership of Christ . . . and that so many folks are sitting by not 
  | it.  Perhaps those less secure in their spirituality are just going along 
  | it out of fear, which is sad, too.
  | JMHO,
  | Saundra Lund
  | Moscow, ID
  | The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do
  | nothing.
  | -Edmund Burke
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