[Vision2020] Does Idaho have a monopoly on crackpots?
amy smoucha
Thu, 20 May 2004 21:06:27 -0500
Ok I'll bite. Wayne, did you use the word "crackpot" to describe white
supremecists? Transsexuals? Both?
For the record, the person described in the article is not transgendered.
The difference is defined by Merriam-Webster.
Main Entry: trans·gen·der
Pronunciation: -'jen-d&r
Variant(s): or trans·gen·dered /-d&rd/
Function: adjective
: exhibiting the appearance and behavioral characteristics of the opposite
Main Entry: trans·sex·u·al
Variant(s): also tran·sex·u·al /(")tran(t)s-'sek-sh(&-)w&l, -sh&l/
Function: noun
: a person who psychologically identifies with the opposite sex and may seek
to live as a member of this sex especially by undergoing surgery and hormone
therapy to obtain the necessary physical appearance (as by changing the
external sex organs)
Amy Smoucha
----Original Message Follows----
From: "Art Deco aka W. Fox" <deco@moscow.com>
To: "Vision 2020" <vision2020@moscow.com>
Subject: [Vision2020] Does Idaho have a monopoly on crackpots?
Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 08:26:20 -0700
Idaho Inmate Isolated After Admitting Sex Change
North Idaho authorities say a transgender prisoner is in isolation at
Kootenai County jail for her own protection.
Karleana Zuber used to be a man and admits she's a white supremacist.
She's accused of spitting in the face of an Idaho State Trooper who
Law enforcement officials worry that Zuber would be harassed by other
inmates because of her sex-change operation.
If found guilty, she could spend up to six months in jail without
seeing another prisoner.