[Vision2020] stroke inducing editorial: real reason behind Iraq prison abuse is WOMEN!
Art Deco aka W. Fox
Thu, 20 May 2004 07:11:24 -0700
Debbie, et al,
Sounds like Dave Bischel is a hot potential recruit for the CCC. What about it
[What else would you expect from Cal Thomas? He should adopt/marry Anne Coulter
and/or Kathleen Parker.]
Art Deco (Wayne Fox)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Debbie Gray" <dgray@uidaho.edu>
To: "Vision 2020" <vision2020@moscow.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 9:22 PM
Subject: [Vision2020] stroke inducing editorial: real reason behind Iraq prison
abuse is WOMEN!
| By Cal Thomas
| Tribune Media Services
| What was the cause of the loss of unit cohesion and breakdown of
| discipline at the notorious Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq?
| Dave Bischel, a National Guardsman with the 870th Military Police unit who
| returned home last month from duty at the prison, was quoted in last
| Friday's (5/14) New York Post: "There were lots of affairs. There was all
| kinds of adultery and alcoholism and all kinds of crap going on."
| When I was in the Army in the mid-1960s, I never saw or even heard of
| anything approaching this. I did hear of one sergeant in my unit who was
| court-martialed and reduced in rank for having an extramarital affair.
| Adultery was taken more seriously then by military and civilian culture.
| Discipline and a sense that one was representing the country were
| instilled from the first day of basic training until discharge.
| The one dirty little secret that no one appears interested in discussing
| as a contributing factor to the whorehouse behavior at Abu Ghraib is coed
| basic training and what it has done to upset order and discipline.
| Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba observed in his report on the breakdown at Abu
| Ghraib prison that military police soldiers were weak in basic operational
| skills. Is that because 10 years ago, for political reasons, politicians
| and feminist activists within the ranks established coed basic training to
| promote the fiction that men and women are the same and putting young
| women in close quarters with young men would somehow not trigger natural
| biological urges?
| The fallacy of that thinking began to show up less than two years after
| the coed policy was implemented. Sex scandals were reported at Aberdeen
| Proving Ground in Maryland and at basic training facilities around the
| country.
| Former Sen. Nancy Kassebaum Baker, R-Kan., headed an independent advisory
| committee in 1997 that studied coed basic training. The committee
| unanimously found that bundling men and women together in such situations
| "is resulting in less discipline, less unit cohesion and more distraction
| from training programs." A year later, the House passed legislation to end
| coed basic training, but the Senate called for a congressional commission
| instead. Key findings of the 1999 commission escaped notice, but in 2002
| an Army briefing concluded that gender-integrated basic training was "not
| efficient," and "effective" only in sociological terms. Should sociology
| be a concern of people who are supposed to know how to fight wars?
| Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, has
| noted: "Social experiments - particularly the unrealistic theory that men
| and women are interchangeable in all roles and military missions - have
| failed the test of Abu Ghraib. 'Equal opportunity abusers' are not
| typical, but the debased activities of a few Americans reveal what can
| happen when uniformed soldiers - lacking a firm grounding in legal, moral
| and ethical values - wield unsupervised power over other human beings."
| Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski says she was ignorant about the abuse behavior
| and sexual misconduct allegedly practiced by the MPs under her command.
| Why? Did she not know the right questions to ask, or was it a matter of
| "see no evil" because of the sexual politics involved?
| >From the "don't ask, don't tell" policy pertaining to homosexuals in the
| military, to the politically correct assignment of women at the most
| sensitive levels, politicians, military and civilian commanders pretend
| that the powerful sex drive can be controlled and made irrelevant in the
| pursuit of military objectives. On ABC's "Nightline" last Friday, several
| women said they had been raped by fellow soldiers. They said the Army has
| not properly investigated their claims.
| The military has tried to desensitize men through a program called
| Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) so that any enemy could
| not exploit a captives' heightened concern about female colleagues being
| physically and sexually abused. In 1992, SERE trainers said the entire
| nation would have to be conditioned to accept combat violence against
| women.
| Congress and the Pentagon need to do something about coed basic training
| and the assignment of women to certain jobs that put them and what should
| be the military's primary goals at risk. If they do, they are likely to
| find a connection between the disciplinary breakdown at the jail of ill
| repute in Iraq and the sexual politics of people who think the military is
| just one more sociological playground which can be changed into something
| it isn't.
| (Cal Thomas hosts "After Hours" on Fox News Channel Saturdays at 11 p.m.
| ET. Direct all MAIL for Cal Thomas to: Tribune Media Services, 435 N.
| Michigan Ave., Suite 1500, Chicago, Ill. 60611. Readers may also leave
| e-mail at www.calthomas.com.)
| As Madeline Kahn as Mrs White in the movie 'Clue' said: "Flames! flames!
| FLAMES!!... on the side of my face... breathing... breathless... heaving
| breaths...heaving breath..."
| Debbie
| mind now boggled
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| Debbie Gray dgray@uidaho.edu http://www.uidaho.edu/~dgray/
| We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to
| have the life that is waiting for us." --Joseph Campbell
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