[Vision2020] Edgar Steele, The Other White Trash
Tom Hansen
Sun, 2 May 2004 08:26:35 -0700
Greetings Visionaires -
It seems that Doug Wilson has some competition on his hands for "ink time"
in local papers. His competition is named Edgar J. Steele. You remember
him as the Sagle, Idaho attorney that represented Aryan Nations and their
Hitler youth. I like to refer to him as The Other White Trash (you
listening, Doug?).
The following letter (posted in this morning's Spokesman Review) was
sbumitted by Steele.
S-R Still Biased Against Me
I see Bill Morlin's "journalistis" tactics haven't chnged one whit.
While Morlin purports to cite from my Web site
(http://www.conspiracypenpal.com) and from my recorded speech
(http://www.internationalrevisionistconference.com), why are you afraid
simply to give the URLs so that readers might go and see and hear for
themselves? I know the answer, of course, and it goes to the heart of
Morlin's intentional bias. He wanted my input? Nonsense.
As usual, he leaves a message at the end of the day before publication, near
deadline, so that he can claim his call wasn't returned. I guarantee he
didn't wait until then to contact the others he quoted in the article.
If you people really want my point of view on anything, why not offer me a
weekly column? Or even, a one-time column? Already, I have a worldwide
readership for my irregular essays that far exceeds yours, with a great many
right here in the Northwest and they receive me very well, even when they
disagree with me.
I couldn't hurt your circulation any more than you already have in recent
years with this sort of reporting, the deficits of which are widely
recognized and discussed among local residents.
Edgar J. Steele
Sagle, Idaho
My response is to suggest that if Bubba Dubya (our president) is honest in
his environmental program, he can get a good start by cleaning the gutters
in Sagle, Idaho.
Back when Morris Dees chased the Aryan Nations scum out of North Idaho, I
was hoping that we had seen the last of white trash like Richard Butler.
But now with the mergence of neo-confederate movements in Post Falls and
right here in Moscow, coupled with Edgar "The Nazis were just helping the
Jews get out of Germany" Steele, their ilk is surfacing in our newspapers.
I am not saying that they do not have the right to speak. I am simply
suggesting that we consider the prejudicial, non-tolerant source when they
do speak. Many of them wrap themselves up in facades that tend to give them
the look of "community". But, once you remove the facade, the stench is all
too familiar. You can put horse reins on a jackass, but it is still a
Take care of yourselves and each other,
Tom Hansen
Just another Liberal Elitist loose in the Palouse
Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!"
-Robin Williams