[Vision2020] Christ Church, "not on the Palouse....." and who ever else really cares.

Scott Dredge sdredge@yahoo.com
Tue, 6 Jan 2004 13:34:21 -0800 (PST)

Douglas Wilson has the same rights that we all have
under the Constitution that he doesn't believe in.  So
what's the problem?  He's allowed to pursue life,
liberty, and happiness (or in his case unhappiness) as
long he doesn't prevent anyone else from pursuing

Auntie E summed up this situation better than I ever
could when she wrote: "Because I actually believe in
diversity, pluralism, and freedom of thought, speech
and religion, I'm willing to share the Palouse with a
man who says that God wants me dead."

That's the beauty of our inclusive system.  The same
system that allows Douglas Wilson the freedom to
criticize it with ramblings such as "you provide [your
kids] with a fifth-rate education, and turn them loose
into your hollow and ugly world."


From: matt  matt@moscowland.com
Date: Sat, 03 Jan 2004 21:19:04 -0800

-- SNIP --

With that said, I have grave concerns about the "not
on the Palouse, not ever" crowd. Whats next.
People with blue hair, 
Boys with ear rings,
Girls that kiss other girls,
or just anyone with a different idea.

In case you forgot this nation was founded on
religious freedom and the rights of men (and weman) to
be free and secure in themselves.
Thomas Pain once said that no man is truly free if he
is unwilling to fight for the freedom of another man. 

I am willing to fight and to send my sons if
necessary, to preserve the right of Doug Wilson and
his group to continue to be wrong. That goes for the
rest of you too.

P.S. Dont bother to correct my grammer, cause I dont