[Vision2020] Re: The good old days

mushroom mushroom@moscow.com
Sun, 22 Feb 2004 13:41:19 -0800

In the good old days, there was an understanding that it was desirable 
for individuals to post to Vision2020 only once a day.

Looking at trend lines and being generally bummed out by what's 
happening with Vision2020, I now propose that we limit an individual to 
posting 100 times a day.

Seriously, three or four people post and post and post and destroy the 
value of Vison2020.

Seriously (take II), if you post and post and post, why don't you find 
some other things in life? Go out and pet dogs or prune your fruit trees 
or buy a skateboard.

If you have already bought a skateboard and an accident has caused you 
to post and post and post, then I apologize.

Don Coombs