[Vision2020] WOW

Donovan Arnold donovanarnold at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 21 20:01:18 PDT 2004

Alan writes:

"Hmmm... well, I do not know that pastor Wilson preaches that slavery is
OK nor do I know that Lee is a hero of his (though he would be one of
mine) ditto for the tax stuff."

Well now you do, ignorance is no longer an excuse for you!

So what do you think about plagiarism, is that moral in your book, how about 
a man that betrayed his nation, and caused more deaths on American Soil then 
anyone else (Gen. Lee) be a hero? Or how about Slavery, is that a Christ 
thing to do? How many slaves do you think Christ owned? Perhaps WWJD (would 
would Jesus do), should be changed to HMSWJO, (How many slaves would Jesus 
Own). How about Tax Evasion, was that "render under Caesar what is Caesar's" 
just kind of silly joke by Christ?" Or are Pastors not privy to this law?

Let us debate these things. I think Socrates would be disappointed if you 
were not able or willing to discuss the issues in a logical fashion instead 
of thumbing your nose at them?

Also please tell how we are "mean" in defending our community from fraud and 
racism? Do you come from a community where plagiarism, fraud, tax evasion, 
and slavery are welcomed?

In our community Lying, Cheating, Stealing, and treating others as you don't 
wish to be treated (slavery), are considered wrong. How does your community 

Donovan J Arnold


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