[Vision2020] Fw: Iraq

Sunil Ramalingam sunilramalingam@hotmail.com
Tue, 06 Apr 2004 15:49:08 -0700

<html><div style='background-color:'><P>Pat Kraut writes, in part,</P>
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<P>"We do not need leadership that is whining to the UN and other countries that 'we need help' when all they will do is muck up the process with their own demands. </P>
<P>My, Pat has hit on something here, and apparently understands our Administration's position.&nbsp; Involving others will lead to states mucking up the process with their own demands.&nbsp; As the new owners of Iraq, only our demands matter, right?&nbsp; We should be allowed to install a compliant government that will allow us to take what we want and ask us to stay after the "June 30 power transfer."&nbsp; While it's likely that other states may just want a piece of the pie for themselves, there's always the off chance that some do-gooder might suggest that Iraqis (Not OUR Iraqis, actual every-day Iraqis) should own their own country, and we can't have that, can we?</P>
<P>"As to the war being about oil and revenge for daddy. This shows such a complete ignorance about oil in the world and who Bush is that it isn't even worthy of a site where people claim to be learned." </P>
<P>So what is the reason for the war then, Pat?&nbsp; You haven't answered any of the questions posed to you after the last post, so I don't know if you'll answer me, but I'm interested in your theory.&nbsp; What do the sources you read tell you about the rationales for the war?</P>
<P>[I will say that I disagree with Dick on the 'revenge for Daddy' point.&nbsp; I think that's a bonus, but not a primary reason.]&nbsp; </P>
<P>Sunil Ramalingam<BR></P>
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