[Vision2020] Alturas again
Tim Lohrmann
Sun, 21 Sep 2003 13:03:24 -0700 (PDT)
It seems to me that Bill's point is obvious. But
you apparently either didn't understand it or chose to
ignore it.
His point is that Alturas was to be a HIGH TECH
business park. Not office space for attorneys and etc.
Does Bill want high tech jobs to go elsewhere?
Clearly not, since he supported the original Alturas
mission which was to keep those jobs here.
What Bill and many others do NOT support is
providing space for businesses such as attorneys,
accountants and etc. These uses were not what was
agreed to for Alturas but, as Bill mentions, they
likely take such activity away from the downtown
--- "B. J. Swanson" <bjswan@moscow.com> wrote:
> Bill,
> Again, I challenge you to state the facts. You
> claim Alturas is
> "tax-supported." Tell us "How Much?" And don't
> forget to put in your
> equation the 80+ jobs in Alturas that contribute
> over $3.5 million in LOCAL
> salaries. Those salaries that go to pay LOCAL taxes
> and support many LOCAL
> merchants and LOCAL projects like Latah Trail,
> Palouse Ice Rink, Kenworthy
> PAC, Farmers Market and many more. And the majority
> of those jobs are
> high-tech and many of them are straight out of the
> University of Idaho
> Business Technology Incubator. Would you prefer
> that those jobs and
> salaries went elsewhere? What's your point?
> B. J. Swanson
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vision2020-admin@moscow.com
> [mailto:vision2020-admin@moscow.com]On
> Behalf Of bill london
> Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2003 9:52 AM
> To: Vision2020
> Subject: [Vision2020] Alturas again
> If you care about the future of the Alturas
> technology park, consider
> attending the public meeting of Moscow's Planning
> and Zoning Commission
> set for October 8 at 7:30pm at City Council
> chambers.
> The P&Z will be considering a rewrite of the zoning
> rules about Alturas
> (and its Research, Technology, Office zone). A copy
> of those changes is
> attached.
> And surprise, the rules are being rewritten to allow
> more of what has
> already happened. Originally, Alturas was supposed
> to be a
> tax-supported park designed to preserve local
> high-tech jobs. Now,
> Alturas has become a tax-supported mini-mall.
> Day care centers, accountants, lawyers and even
> cafeterias, retail
> stores and coffee shops will be OK under the new
> rules.
> So, it will be official--as Alturas expands, Moscow
> taxpayers will be
> paying for further sprawl and for siphoning
> businesses out of downtown.
> Already half the businesses at Alturas are not
> high-tech startups, but
> instead are businesses that have moved from downtown
> to that place.
> This will only encourage more of the same.
> BL
> List services made available by First Step
> Internet,
> serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994.
> http://www.fsr.net
> mailto:Vision2020@moscow.com
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