[Vision2020] Re: Vision2020 digest, Vol 1 #760 - 4 msgs
Peter Willard
Tue, 09 Sep 2003 18:21:44 -0700
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At 03:06 PM 9/9/03 -0700, vision2020-request@moscow.com wrote:
> >>In addition, on two separate days, I witnessed acts of road rage.
> >>One in Pullman and one in Moscow. These happened right here in our
> >>peaceful communities!
Law enforcement in the corridor and on the Pullman road needs to be more
visible during the noon hour and the five o'clock commute; just one car at
the old Cavanaugh's Landing would probably do it; I don't usually like
surveillence cameras but traffic there should be taped as that spot is
bringing out "issues" in a lot of drivers.
I see the scariest stuff between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. for some reason---low
blood sugar? Today was especially bad for road rage and those were Idaho
and Wyoming plates, not Oregonians like you'd expect.
Also: Bikers! Why zillions of bikers this year? Only twice have I seen them
drag racing on the highway and only once in a while do I see them en masse,
taking up both sides of the road, like Peter Fonda directing a new Mad Max
movie. Does anyone know who they are? Lawyers from Boise? I think they
might be Orthodontists from Tacoma.
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