[Vision2020] Email and Libel

David Camden-Britton davidcb@acm.org
Tue, 24 Jun 2003 16:51:29 -0700

Just so we've got the same notions, here is the dictionary.com definition
for Libel:<br>
<b>li=B7bel</b>&nbsp; <br>
<li>A false publication, as in writing, print, signs, or pictures, that
damages a person's reputation.=20
<li>The act of presenting such material to the public.=20
</ol>So, unless Mr. Stambler were to shout his material from the rooftops
of Moscow, which might be an amusing sight if he were to wear a chimney
sweeper's outfit, he is merely being somewhat libelous. <br><br>
The difficulty with any such thing is to prove that his rantings have
damaged anyone's reputation. As it seems no one on this list take him
very seriously, proving such damages in court would be very
More to the point, the notion of holding FSR liable for such material is
ridiculous. Their generosity in providing a free, public e-mail service
does not make them automatically liable for the opinions expressed using
said list, except in some other countries.&nbsp; It is a blessing that we
have the First Amendment to protect such expressions, and laws to deal
with people who overstep the bounds of propriety and actually damage
another's reputation.<br><br>
So, as a last thought, please see my e-mail about Filtering messages, as
that, or the delete key, seems the least harmful way to deal with
troublemakers. Also, you can do some pretty spiffy things with filters,
so they bear looking into.&nbsp; For instance, I have it set so that all
the Vision2020 posts are automatically forwarded to their own folder, so
that my main inbox is not overwhelmed on heavy traffic days.<br><br>
It's an interesting list, and worth preserving in its current
incarnation. Thanks to FSR for hosting it, and in the borrowed words of
movie greats, &quot;We don't need no steenkin' moderators!&quot;<br>
<font face=3D"Courier New, Courier">David Camden-Britton -=3D)*(=3D-&nbsp;
davidcb@acm.org</font> </body>