[Vision2020] The Seven Tiers of American Society

Peter Willard petew@completebbs.com
Wed, 30 Jul 2003 17:17:57 -0700

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At 10:34 AM 7/30/03 -0700, Douglas Stambler wrote:
>Tell me, how does cloning a mule feed a homeless person in Detroit?

Well, if a fellow has a mule, he should set his sights on growing some 
corn, rutabagas and tobacky and then he can get back to his fiddling and 
evasion of the revenue men, if that's what you're driving at, but that's 
just common sense. Maybe the only way to get these slick politicians to let 
a fellow have his mule back is by telling them it's another new-fangled 
from the scientific laboratories. You know, Progress! 

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