[Vision2020] erosion control
Bill London
Thu, 20 Feb 2003 10:46:22 -0800
The fun folks who brought us the 51-acre development plan where the new
Moscow Building Supply store is located at the north end of town are at
it again.
After slicing off the top of one of the hills there and then
digging, shaping and denuding the remaining slopes there, they seem to
have forgotten to install anything to prevent erosion.
During the rain last weekend, a muddy river was plowing a new gully
down the hillside to North Polk Street.
I thought Moscow had an ordinance that prevented land developers
from allowing that kind of erosion. Not only does it strip off topsoil,
but it fills streams and storm drain systems with mud. And we all get
to pay to fix those problems.
I talked with Mark Cook (public works director for Moscow).
Luckily, he is a few steps ahead on this. A meeting of the Moscow City
Council's Public Works Committee slated for Monday, Feb 24, at 5pm at
council chambers will focus on this erosion problem and how it was
allowed to occur.