[Vision2020] Bin Laden tape
Wed, 12 Feb 2003 16:28:33 GMT
Well, the tape was 16 minutes long, and I heard maybe two minutes on CNN last
night. Where's the rest? Is there a full transcript somewhere? The bit I
heard/read (and the "translation" changed over the course of the day) made it
clear that Bin Laden is pledging support for the faithful Muslims in Iraq, not
Saddam the apostate.
One thing's for sure: You know you're a bad guy when both America AND al-Qaeda
want you ousted.
Carl Westberg Jr. wrote:
> I find it curious that an adminstration that, in the past, has pleaded with
> the networks to refrain from playing alleged Osama Bin Laden audio tapes on
> the air for fear of the tapes releasing secret coded messages to terrorist
> cells fell all over itself rushing the tape to the public's attention
> yesterday. One wonders what Bin Laden's true motives are, he hates Saddam,
> and had to realize that the Bush administration would jump all over this as
> further proof and justification for war with Iraq. And then tell us to
> stock up on plastic, duct tape, and scissors.
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