[Vision2020] Re: new buildings Sears

Tami Stinebaugh stin1624@uidaho.edu
Sun, 07 Dec 2003 16:28:35 -0800

I do not like video gallery either.  I used to rent from Videoland, but when they were bought out, I stopped.  Their policies changed including the price it costs to rent a movie, and the charge for a late movie. I also didn't like the way they displayed some adult movies RIGHT NEXT to children's movies.  We used to go in and my husband and I would pick a movie, and my kids would pick one.  I didn't have to worry too much about what was placed out on the shelves.  Then suddenly it changed w/new ownership.  When I asked about that at the counter, I was told that it was the new company's policy to bring out the softer porn from the back room and put it on the shelf alphabetically, regarless of where that might place it.  Now I have no problem with these movies being rented out, however, in my opinion there should be some caution as to who can see the covers.  I remember my daughter asking what this one movie was about that had like 3 females on the cover with barely any clothin
g.  It was next to a kids movie she was looking at.  It kinda ticked me off.  We've switched to Safeway or Hastings.  

Tami Stinebaugh

----- Original Message -----
From: DonovArn@aol.com
Date: Sunday, December 7, 2003 3:27 pm
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Re: new buildings Sears

> Video Gallery is the name of place that bought Videoland. I don't 
> like Video 
> Gallery. It is horrible. I find it much cheaper to go to Netflix. 
> Unlimited 
> video rentals for a flat $20 fee. I use to go to Videoland and 
> liked it. But 
> this new place bought it out and now it is horribly run and it 
> costs a great deal 
> to rent a movie. I could not afford to rent more than a couple 
> movies a month 
> after they bought it.
> It doesn't surprise me at all that Video Gallery has to shrink in 
> size, who 
> wants to break into savings to rent a movie, now even less so with 
> less of a 
> selection.
> It is good to have a Sears again. Hopefully Video Gallery will go 
> under and 
> Sears can expand into its' space.
> Donovan