[Vision2020] sorry about the problems--posting again--Christians & Alternatives

amy smoucha asmoucha@hotmail.com
Fri, 05 Dec 2003 14:20:56 -0600

Hi all,

I agree, very much, with those posters who have cautioned us against broad 
discrimination and hatred of Christians.

In my work as an advocate, Christian churches--from conservative to 
liberal--have been very powerful forces for justice and for positive changes 
in communities.  I have great respect and fondness for individual 
Christians, churches and faith communities who advocate for justice, and I 
have seen them literally change the world in addressing hunger, racism, 
access to health care, child poverty, and on and on and on.

As an alternative to the town hall meeting, for anyone who wants more 
information about how Christians and people of faith may positively impact 
communities, I offer the following links--they cheer me and inform me, even 
though I certainly don't agree with all of their positions.

Like many people on this list, I base my assessment of individuals, churches 
and faith groups on their words, their actions, and their contributions to 
our community.  I thought these resources may interest some of you as other 
examples of what is possible!  There are so many wonderful, political, 
effective faith-based advocacy groups, I could not list all, and because of 
our recent discussions, I only list some from Christian traditions.  There 
are also amazing groups from other faith traditions that are worth a look.

Amy Smoucha

National Council of Churches:  http://www.ncccusa.org/

Catholic Voices for Economic Justice:  

Network:  A Catholic Social Justice Lobby:  http://www.networklobby.org/

United Church of Christ:  http://www.ucc.org/justice/

Methodist Federation for Social Action:  http://www.mfsaweb.org/

Bread for the World:  http://www.bread.org/

Call to Renewal:  http://www.calltorenewal.com/

Mennonite Committee On Social Justice:  http://www.mcc.org/respub.html

Church Women United:  http://www.churchwomen.org/

Protestants for the Common Good:  http://www.thecommongood.org/

American Friends Service Committee:  http://www.thecommongood.org/

Center of Concern:  http://www.coc.org/focus/?ID=906

The American Baptist Churches:  
http://www.abc-usa.org/resources/resol/#anchor243684 (I like their policies 
on welfare, war, and racial justice).

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