[Vision2020] Children Of Gay Parents Are Different

John Harrell johnbharrell@yahoo.com
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 21:21:37 -0700 (PDT)

Children Of Gay Parents Are Different

I quote from the following study, there are more, but this one will suffice:

[Ok Melynda, go for it, you may now post your list of studies showing this 
study to be faulty or whatever.... Let's see how long it takes you - GO!]


3. One study examined by the researchers indicated that a significantly 
greater proportion of young adult children raised by lesbians had engaged 
in a same-sex relationship (six of 25 interviewed) than those raised by a 
heterosexual mother (none of 20 interviewed). 

4. Those raised by lesbian mothers were also more likely to consider a 
homosexual relationship.

Indeed, what she found makes sense -- lesbian mothers tend to have a 
feminizing effect on their sons, and a masculinizing effect on their 

"And despite what many gender researchers claim, research tells us that the
absence of a father in the home is not, on balance, good for families." 

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