[Vision2020] Off on a rant....

Tina Cunningham kittz_cat@yahoo.com
Thu, 17 Apr 2003 12:34:04 -0700 (PDT)

To all, 

For something as trivial as toothpaste, we have about
20 ifferent choices.  For something as important as
President, we only have TWO choices (at least at the
well-publisized debates)  THAT boggles my mind!!

The thing that gets me though....is that the PEOPLE in
this country  are unwilling to change.  They feel the
third party candidates "steal votes"....ect ect.  The
third party candidates are not the butt kissing
Democrates, or the corporate hungry Republicans. They
are usually people like you and me that are sick of
frivolous government, and lack of respect.

Mr Nader is one of the most consumer friendly people
there is.  He sure as hell won't get votes from
corporations, because he points out to the people when
they are being ripped off, or poisoned, or when they
are put in harms way for profit.

I voted for Mr Nader because I want him to be able to
speak at the next debate.....I knew he would not win,
but I WILL NOT vote for someone I do not believe in. 
It's my right to choose....and I will not be "guided"
into voting for someone just because I am afraid so
and so will become president instead. 
The election was rigged.....we had no choice anyway.

well I'm done with my rant.....for now at least

Tina Cunningham

"Would you not like to be.....sittin on top of the world with your legs hanging free....."  **Dave Matthews Band

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