FW: [Vision2020] When will the 'ignoring' start?

Ron Force rforce@moscow.com
Mon, 14 Apr 2003 14:59:37 -0700

He's cowing them:

Chairman, Project for the New American Century
To the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
February 7, 2002

"...The larger question with respect to Iraq, as with Afghanistan, is what
happens after the combat is concluded. The Iraqi opposition lacks the
military strength of the Afghan Northern Alliance; however, it claims a
political legitimacy that might even be greater. And, as in Kabul but also
as in the Kurdish and Shi'ite regions of Iraq in 1991, American and alliance
forces will be welcomed in Baghdad as liberators. Indeed, reconstructing
Iraq may prove to be a less difficult task than the challenge of building a
viable state in Afghanistan.

The political, strategic and moral rewards would also be even greater. A
friendly, free, and oil-producing Iraq would leave Iran isolated and Syria
cowed; the Palestinians more willing to negotiate seriously with Israel; and
Saudi Arabia with less leverage over policymakers here and in Europe.
Removing Saddam Hussein and his henchmen from power presents a genuine
opportunity - one President Bush sees clearly - to transform the political
landscape of the Middle East."

Ron Force	      	  rforce@moscow.com
Moscow Idaho USA
> What's up with Dubyah and Syria?