[Vision2020] Metaphor

Douglas dougwils@moscow.com
Thu, 10 Apr 2003 14:24:06 -0700

Dear visionaries,

There are two ways to find out our agenda for the future of the fair town 
of Moscow. One of them would be to go back into the 20/20 archives and 
reread all our previous discussions of this. We haven't changed our minds 
since then. Another cool way to find out would be to consider reading the 
magazine you say you won't. We publish it because it actively promotes that 
vision and agenda, right alongside the books we write.
But if you refuse to do read what we write, then we refuse to be held 
responsible for what you don't know about what we are doing.

Seriously, an important point that Joan raises concerns her citation of 
John Guyer's email -- as though there were some monolithic and defined 
political agenda on the part of Christ Church. While we do share many 
things in common, when it comes to the detailed ways and means of politics, 
the church members are actually divided. And yes, those disagreements 
include differences over what an appropriate response might be to those 
periodic displays of a little progressive T & A for the frat boys. While in 
general harmony with one another, we do differ on how to get there, and in 
our midst you can find neo-conservatives, paleo-conservatives, vague 
Eisenhower centrists, Hapsburg monarchists, libertarians, and more. Some of 
the libertarians even have an anarchist tinge. Some talk about diversity; 
others implement!


Douglas Wilson