[Vision2020] Logos School's all-male board

Doug Jones credenda@moscow.com
Wed, 9 Apr 2003 11:16:02 -0400

Thanks Melynda for giving us grand examples of the brutality of
non-trinitarian, either-or, simplistically egalitarian cultures. Good

How about some statistics from Trinitarian cultures now where your
linear, either-or logic doesn't work?

Doug Jones

> Men and women:  they're day and night, sun and moon, shore and sea,
> those lovely comparisons.  Claude Levi-Strauss noticed this set of
> some years ago, and added a few of his own:  nature and culture,
cooked and
> raw, savage and civilized.
> Guess who's raw, savage, natural, and lunatic?
> Some facts from the Institut Pour La Solidarite de Femmes
> http://www.sigi.org/ :
> Every year in India, 5000 brides are murdered or commit suicide
> their marriage dowries are considered inadequate. (2000)
> 10 American women are killed by their batterers each day (1998).
> In Russia, half of all murder victims are women killed by their male
> partners. (1995)
> 75 percent of the refugees and internally displaced in the world are
> who have lost their families and their homes. (2000).
> Women produce 80 percent of the food on the planet, but receive less
than 10
> percent of agricultural assistance (1995).
> Two thirds of the world's 876 million illiterates are women (2000).
> Some 600,000 women-- one every minute-- die each year from
> causes. Most of these deaths are preventable (1997).
> There is no country in the world where women's wages are equal to
those of
> men (2000) .
> 70 percent of people in abject poverty (living on less than $1 per
day) are
> women (1995).
> I have to ask:  what's the good part of  "I'm the sun/you're the moon;
> the loving leader/you're the grateful follower" for women?
> Melynda Huskey