[Vision2020] Re: Vision2020 digest, Vol 1 #282 - 8 msgs

Andreas Schou scho8053@uidaho.edu
Mon, 07 Apr 2003 12:50:33 -0700 (PDT)

> Third, I am grateful that the reality of what is happening with education
> in Moscow is becoming obvious. What the Logos school board does on such
> questions is now newsworthy, and of interest to the broader community.
> Given the demographics and trajectory of education in our town (discussed
> in this space before), I actually think this is appropriate. But secular
> outsiders will need to practice some things. Actual diversity in a
> community includes things like this, instead of the pretend diversity of
> the scratch and sniff variety so popular in progressive circles. And
> frankly, Bill's suggestions on what we should be teaching our daughters
> comes across like a Gentile suggesting BLTs for the synagogue potluck.

With all due respect, Doug, you must realize that it comes across as
slightly disingenuous to suggest that what happens at Logos school is none
of the rest of the community's business. Though, certainly, having an
all-male board of directors isn't the /decision/ of the secularist segment
of the community, it's certainly their concern. You have, after all, a
long track record of announcing that you're a threat to secular life; that
some secularists are starting to believe you and respond accordingly is by
and large your own fault.

Just as it's your right to tell secularists what to believe -- and you do,
often at great length -- the intrusion of secularists into your business
is theirs. There is no artificially constructed barrier between 'religious
beliefs' and 'other beliefs' across which there can be no discussion. I
think we can both agree on that, though you believe all beliefs to have
religious relevance and I believe no beliefs are sacrosanct.
