[Vision2020] What is it good for?

Mushroom mushroom@moscow.com
Wed, 02 Apr 2003 22:00:28 -0800

I'd like to thank John for sharing the lyrics to "War (what
is it good for)."

It gives me the opportunity to say I honor the attitude of
those who oppose all war. Many wars turn out to be
unjustified. If you oppose all wars, you will be on the
right side a lot.

But I am not a pacifist. You can oppose the present war on
Iraq because you are a pacifist, but you can also oppose it
because it is unjustified and -- this is where the crunch
comes -- because even if we win quickly and easily, our
country will be the worse for going to this war.

Our president endorses preemptive strikes except, of course,
when they are directed against us.

Perhaps the next set of lyrics we need are those of Joan
Baez, "With God on Our Side."

Don Coombs

I am really proud of getting all the way through this
posting without referring to George W. Bush as an arrogant
nincompoop. I do it now only because it is such a flaming
truth that just about everybody in the world outside the
U.S. understands the situation.

Those of us inside the U.S. suffer from the jingoistic
coverage of the news on our TV networks and cable.

As a postcript, I support the U.S. troops and hope for a
quick end to this war. If you think I can't do this without
also supporting George W. Bush, I'm sorry. You're being
seventh-gradish. Well, maybe fifth-gradish.

I'm not saying that you, the person reading this, can't
support both the U.S. troops and our president. I'm just
saying that I support the troops.