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<font size="-1"><font face="Arial">Okay. 255.05 bonded public
construction job. Your subcontractor has perfected his right to
claim against the bond, and substantially completed his work.
Progress payments were paid current, but he is still owed
retainage. Months after he finished his work he sends the GC
and their surety a request for information under FS
255.05(10)(d) by certified mail, and no body responds (within 10
days or otherwise). <br>
Here's the question: When did the retainage become "due and
payable" from the surety under their payment bond for purposes
of calculating interest?<br>
Sure, sure, sure, the subcontract with GC says final payment
(including retainage) after "substantial completion of the
project", "acceptance by owner", CO, payment by the Owner, all
of that. But the surety can't rely on that language. See, <i>Everett
Painting v Padula & Wadsworth</i> (the payment bond is a
separate agreement and 255.05 does not authorize conditional
payment bonds).<br>
In my view, retainage became due and payable from the surety on
the 11th day after the request was sent under 255.05(10)(d), and
no written response was delivered.<br>
G. Elliott<br>
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<p class="MsoNormal"><big><big><big><big><big><big><font
color="navy" face="Copperplate Gothic Light"
Gothic Light";color:navy">Gregory
T. Elliott</span></big></big></big></big></big></big></font></big></big></big></big></big><font
color="navy"><font size="2"><big><font
face="Copperplate Gothic Light"><br>
color="navy" face="Copperplate Gothic Light"
Gothic Light";
color:navy;font-style:italic">ELLIOTT -
BERGER, P. A.</span></big></font></i></b></strong><i><font
<st1:address w:st="on"><st1:street w:st="on"><font
color="navy" face="Copperplate Gothic Light"
size="2"><big><span style="font-size:10.0pt;
font-family:"Copperplate Gothic
Light";color:navy">10225 Ulmerton Road,
Suite 4A</span></big></font></st1:street><font
color="navy"><span style="color:navy"><br>
</span></font><st1:city w:st="on"><font color="navy"
face="Copperplate Gothic Light" size="2"><big><span
"Copperplate Gothic
color="navy" face="Copperplate Gothic Light" size="2"><big><span
font-family:"Copperplate Gothic
Light";color:navy">, <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:state
33771</span></big></font><font color="navy"
face="Copperplate Gothic Light" size="2"><big><span
Gothic Light";color:navy"><o:p></o:p><br>
(727) 360-2600 (Phone)</span></big></font><font
color="navy" face="Copperplate Gothic Light" size="2"><big><span
Gothic Light";color:navy"><o:p></o:p><br>
(727) 360-6588 (Fax)</span></big></font></big><b><font
color="navy" face="Copperplate Gothic Light" size="1"><span
style="font-size: 9pt;"><big><font size="2"><big><br>
</big></font>Board Certified In Construction Law</big><br>
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